List the publication styles available to the organisation

Publication styles are tightly coupled to publications. A style must be provided when creating a publication, therefore it would be sensible to query this endpoint once in a while to sync which publication types are available to the organisation. It's unlikely a style would ever be revoked from an organisation, but new ones might be added.


GET v1/organisations/{id}/styles

Response Codes

200 OK Listed the styles successfully
403 Not Authorised Not allowed to list the styles - probably not allowed to deal with publications in the organisation

Response Body

An array of publication styles. A style consists of:

field type description
id string The unique ID of the style
name string The name of the style
description string The description of the style
preview_url string The URL to preview the style on a publication
available boolean Whether the style is available to use (yet)

Example Response Body

        "id": "magazine",
        "name": "Magazine",
        "description": "A photographic awesomeness",
        "preview_url": "http:\\/\\/",
        "available": true
        "id": "yearbook",
        "name": "Yearbook",
        "description": "Great for large publications, including tag-based browsing and more",
        "preview_url": "http:\\/\\/",
        "available": false

Note that publications that are not available should be considered "coming soon" - that is, they will be available to the user, once it's ready for use.

List an organisation's publications


GET v1/organisations/{id}/publications

Request Parameters

field required type description
search no string Filter results based on a search string
status no string Filter on the status of the publication, either published or unpublished
limit no number How many records to return
offset no1 number If limiting, how many records to offset by. Combined with limit, this is useful for pagination
order no string The field and optional direction to order on. Fields that can be ordered on are title, due_date and created_date. To specify with a direction, use a pipe e.g. ?order=due_date

1An offset can only be supplied with a limit.

Response Codes

200 OK Listed the publications successfully
403 Not Authorised Not allowed to list that organisation's publications